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Group management

Gjensidige's group management consists of 9 highly experienced professionals with various educational background and work experience from both Gjensidige and other companies. Apart from the CEO the members of the group management represent either one of the business areas or one of the administrative divisions.

Geir Holmgren

Geir Holmgren
Geir Holmgren


Geir Holmgren (1972) has been the CEO of Gjensidige since 1 January 2023.

Holmgren has previously held various managerial positions at Storebrand ASA, including as EVP of the corporate market and CEO of Storebrand Livsforsikring. Holmgren holds a cand. scient degree from the University of Oslo and has completed a business management programme at Griffith University Brisbane in Australia.

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 45,500

Jostein Amdal

Jostein Amdal
Jostein Amdal

Executive Vice President, CFO

Jostein Amdal (1965) has been CFO since 1 October 2016. Amdal joined Gjensidige as director of finance in 2002, and has since served as Chief Risk Officer and Head of Capital Management and M&A. Before joining Gjensidige, he held various management positions with If, Storebrand and Kværner.  Amdal holds an MSc EBA degree (siviløkonom) as well as a graduate programme in economics and business administration (høyere avdeling), both from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 31,549

Lars G. Bjerklund

Lars Gøran Bjerklund
Lars Gøran Bjerklund

Executive Vice President, Commercial

Lars G Bjerklund (1971) has been Executive Vice President with responsibility for Commercial (Norway) since 1 September 2018. From 1 July 2023, his responsibility was extended to include the combined Commercial division (Norway and Denmark).

He joined Gjensidige in 2003 and has held various senior management positions in the Group. In the last few years, he has been COO of General Insurance Sweden, claims director with responsibility for motor and travel claims, and managed the SME and agriculture segment of the Commercial division for several years.

Bjerklund holds a Master of Marketing and Management from the Norwegian School of Marketing (NMH), and an MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 4,879

Vivi Kofoed

Vivi Kofoed
Vivi Kofoed

Executive Vice President, Claims

Vivi Kofoed has been Executive Vice President of Claims since 19 August 2024.

More information to come.

Catharina Hellerud

Catharina Hellerud
Catharina Hellerud

Chief Risk Officer

Catharina Hellerud (1968) has been Chief Risk Officer since 17 January 2022.

Hellerud joined Gjensidige in 2007 as Head of IR and served as CFO from 2011 to 2016. She has previously held positions at Oslo Børs and as an accountant with Ernst & Young.

Hellerud is a state authorised public accountant from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and holds an MBA degree (siviløkonom) from BI Norwegian Business School. Hellerud is a member of the board of Mesta AS.

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 28,562

Berit Nilsen

Berit Nilsen
Berit Nilsen

Executive Vice President, Analysis, Product and Price

Berit Nilsen (1973) has been Executive Vice President President for Analysis, Product and Price in Gjensidige since 1 May 2022.  Nilsen joined Gjensidige in 2012, and has held several management positions at group level, including in Risk Management, Finance and Group Performance Management, and Corporate Strategy. She was Executive Vice President for People, Strategy and Communication in Gjensidige from 17 January 2022 to 30 May 2023.

She has previously held a number of management positions at Tryg and also worked as an engineer for Aker.

Nilsen holds an MSc in Marine Engineering (sivilingeniør) from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and a Master of Arts from the University of Oslo and Université Strasbourg in France.

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 2,157

René Fløystøl

René Fløystøl
René Fløystøl

Executive Vice President, Private

René Fløystøl (1981) has been Executive Vice President with responsibility for Private (Norway) since 1 June 2020. From 1 July 2023, his responsibility was extended to include the combined Private division (Norway and Denmark).

Fløystøl is a member of the board of MyCar Group, and holds directorships in subsidiaries of Gjensidige.

He joined Gjensidige in 2011 and has held several senior management positions in the Group. In the Private division, he has held positions such as Executive Vice President of Group Performance Management, the Customer Centre and, most recently, Digitalisation and Development.

Fløystøl holds an MBA degree (siviløkonom) from BI Norwegian Business School

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 7,297

Siri Langangen

Siri Langangen
Siri Langangen

Executive Vice President, People & Communication

Siri Langangen (1975) has been Executive Vice President for People & Communication in Gjensidige since 1 August 2023.

Langangen came to Gjensidige from a position as HR director in Statkraft. She has previously been in DNB in various management roles within HR and has also worked as Account Manager and Finance Manager at Alcatel Telecom.

Langangen holds an MBA degree (siviløkonom) from BI Norwegian Business School and has completed an MBA programme at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Sverre Johan Rostoft

Sverre Johan Rostoft
Sverre Johan Rostoft

Executive Vice President, Technology and Insight

Sverre Johan Rostoft (1972) has been Executive Vice President Technology and Insight in Gjensidige since 11 September 2023.  Rostoft came to Gjensidige from a position as CEO of Sayfr. He has previously held various management positions in Telenor, both in the Nordic region and in Asia. In Telenor, he was also an associate member of the Group Executive Management for a period.

Rostoft has also worked at McKinsey, Save the Children and Coflexip Stena Offshore.

Rostoft holds a master's degree in engineering from NTNU and also holds an MSc in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics.

Number of shares in Gjensidige: 781